Co-op Position Registration

Co-op Position Requirements and Expectations

Position Relevance

The Steinbright Career Development Center does not support employment opportunities that would fall under the categorization of multi-level marketing organizations, pyramid schemes, or door-to-door sales.  These positions do not meet the expectations of co-op, as there is usually minimal supervision and the responsibilities of the position are not relevant to the student's field of study or long-term career objectives.

Though Drexel understands that marijuana (medical and recreational) may be legal in some states, marijuana is currently classified as an illegal drug under federal law. Because it is not federally legal, students are unable to register for positions related to marijuana for co-op credit. However, with additional layers of review from Steinbright and Drexel’s Office of Legal Counsel, students may be able to register co-ops related to hemp or certain CBD products, as they are federally legal.

All co-op positions must be relevant to a student's field of study and/or career goals. Jobs found independently must be reviewed and approved by the co-op advisor in order to ensure that the position is major- and/or career-related. Decisions regarding co-op positions must take into account the long-term objectives of students, employers, and the University.


Typically, co-op is a paid, full-time work experience. However, this sometimes varies based on industry, job market, or other special circumstances. To receive credit for co-op, students must work a minimum of 20 hours per week.

Circumstances may arise that do not fall into either category listed above. Students do not meet the IRS definition of an independent contractor and should not seek or accept positions as such. If a situation warrants special consideration, students should contact their co-op advisor.

Work Schedules

All co-op students follow the work schedule set by their employers and work the full co-op cycle. Students must work the full six-month cycle (or three-month cycle for majors that apply) and must follow their employer's work schedule. If students must be absent from their co-op job for an extended period of time or if they choose to leave their co-op employer prior to the end of the co-op term, then they must provide advance notice and receive approval from Steinbright and their co-op employer. Special exceptions may apply.

Supervision and Location

Students are expected to gain practical experience in their field of study and should have a mentor and/or supervisor who has expertise in the same or similar field. Students are not permitted to work for other undergraduate students. The standard workplace arrangement includes in-person supervision in a professional work environment. As of March 2020, Steinbright has allowed students to work remotely and/or from home.  Employers should establish clear and consistent expectations regarding work routines and deliverable work products, as well as maintain regularly scheduled meetings to provide feedback, guidance and structure to students who are not working on-site.

Position Secured Online

If a student obtains a job through the SCDCOnline optimal pairing process, a Student Co-op Registration Agreement will be automatically generated. A student must electronically confirm a co-op position in order to be eligible to receive co-op credit. The form will be available the day after Optimal Pairing, and the student must accept this form by clicking the "View Student Co-op Agreement (mandatory to receive credit)" link on the SCDCOnline menu selection before the start of the co-op position.

Position Secured through Self-Directed Search – Outside of SCDCOnline

Students who obtain a job independently must do the following in order to be eligible to receive co-op credit for a Steinbright approved position:

  • Complete an introduction meeting with assigned co-op advisor
  • Complete and sign the Student Co-op Registration Agreement
  • Submit a comprehensive job description for co-op advisor review
  • Submit an offer letter from the employer with the following:
    • Salary information
    • Hours per week
    • Start/end dates
  • Submit the Employer Agreement form from the student's employer

View Steinbright's Cooperative Education forms to download the appropriate form(s).

All of the paperwork listed above must be submitted no later than the end of the first week (drop/add deadline) of the term that co-op begins. Co-op advisors review documents for appropriateness of employer and position before registering employment.

Contact Us


Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
The office is closed daily from 12 p.m.–1 p.m.