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U Kei Cheang

U Kei Cheang

NSF East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI) 2012
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow (GRFP) 2010-13
Drexel/UPENN NSF Integrated Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) 2010

Mechanical Engineering PhD Candidate

My name is U Kei Cheang. I am currently working under Dr. Min Jun Kim researching flagella integrated microbiorobots. I applied for the NSF GRFP during my undergraduate senior year and was fortunate to be selected as a recipient of this prestigious award. I found out about the NSF GRFP through my adviser, Dr. Kim, who strongly supported my effort to apply for fellowships. I was fortunate to be given a lot of research and teaching opportunities which rightly complemented my application. My success was heavily influenced by strong letters of recommendation and proper guidance.