Dear Members of the Drexel Community:

I would like to respond to the concerns some of you have directed to the University over the group Philly Fighting COVID, due to the fact that its founder is a Drexel graduate student, a faculty member serves as an advisor, and a number of Drexel students and alumni work and volunteer with the organization.

Philly Fighting COVID is a completely separate organization from Drexel University, and the University has had no involvement in the formation or management of the group. Questions regarding its operations should be directed to Philly Fighting COVID.

Members of City Council have called for an investigation into Philly Fighting COVID's contract with the city. Drexel is not a part of those investigations.

Drexel's College of Nursing and Health Professions had made arrangements with Philly Fighting COVID earlier this month for Drexel nursing students to use their vaccination site for clinical rotations, but that never transpired.

Drexel maintains a strong and supportive relationship with the city and will continue to closely collaborate with the Department of Public Health in COVID-19 prevention, containment and care.

The coronavirus outbreak has called upon the best efforts of countless individuals, especially healthcare providers, many of whom put themselves at risk working to make this community safer. I want to reiterate Drexel's support for everyone working to get us through this pandemic.


John Fry





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